We're getting locked into another February 14th and there are hearty heart benches everywhere.
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"Reyjkavik" by Moyan Brenn / CC BY-SA 2.0 |
It's Heart Awareness month. This is Fiona, posing on her delicate white bench with her pretty green eyes and a heart to give away.
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https://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/StudioDadaBg |
Like my imaginary friend Miggy, she is hoping with all her heart to avoid the Bench of the Unknown Husband.
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http://www.flickr.com/photos/anniemole/ |
My heart is not in it this year. I'd like to avoid Valentine's Day and especially
anything grey. I feel fifty shades darker about Those Films.
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http://benchsite.blogspot.co.uk/2015/02/50-shades-of-grey-benches.html |
Better to stick with pink benches I think.
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https://www.flickr.com/photos/irontuna/4241769413 |
I don't know about where you are, but here in Fribble all the benches seem to be wearing their hearts on their sleeves.
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http://www.flickr.com/photos/add1sun/ |
Yes, some of the benches clearly have a heart.
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http://www.flickr.com/photos/yaybenches/ |
And some of them go right to the heart of the matter.
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http://www.flickr.com/photos/girdafi/ |
It's all to do with you-know-what day.
Hearts are everywhere.
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http://www.flickr.com/photos/sipety/ |
Even Mae West is getting into the spirit of red-heart lip benches.
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http://www.flickr.com/photos/workfromtheheart/ |
I don't like it.
This time of year people seem to let their hearts rule their heads.
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https://www.flickr.com/photos/tim_ellis/7237391078/ |
Ursula is our Unicorn in Residence here in Fribble-under-Par. She's a true romantic, having edited the previous post about romantic white benches.
Knowing how you are this time of year, Ursula, I'll bet you've lost your head.
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http://thecaravangallery.co.uk |
Or les amoureux des bancs publics, as they say in France.
Some of them seem to be having a heart-to-heart . . .
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http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Couple_on_Bench |
. . . and some of them rock up on a kissing bench, rocking and kissing to their heart's content.
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www.modernconvenience.com |
Everywhere on benches I see couples reaching out for each other.
I know I should take heart from this sort of thing but my heart is set against it. Maybe Ursula and I are just too old for young love?
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https://www.flickr.com/photos/98216330@N00/231635754/ |
I know I should take heart from this sort of thing but my heart is set against it. Maybe Ursula and I are just too old for young love?
Not that I'm a spinster. A couple of years ago I poured out my heart about my two husbands. I gave a hearty account of the two of them and their workbenches.
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I explained how I met my imaginary husband Mungo in Las Vegas and we took a gamble on love benches.
With His Excellency it was a different story. I gave my heart away rather too quickly.
Looking back, I don't think he was particularly keen.
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http://benchsite.blogspot.co.uk/2013/02/an-excellent-valentine.html |
There is love all around.
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https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Benches_in_Ukraine |
Now I feel like my balloon is about to burst.
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https://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/KPAJCollectibles |
I must try not to lose heart. There are some lovely V-Day stories about.
Like Ursula, for example.
Ursula nearly had heart failure when she got this mysterious download from someone in the 17th century.
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https://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/thepixelprince |
Who's it from? Richard the Lionhearted? Or Coeur de Lion, if you'll pardon my French.
Ursula hopes it's from Doctor Skill. He's such a heart-throb!
Ursula has fancied him since 1678.
She's hoping he'll invite her out for a soda. Ursula loves ice cream.
Be careful here, Ursula. You know that Dr. Skill likes to do a lot of heart-searching; he doesn't like to rush into things.
In Ursula's case, too long a sacrifice doesn't make a stone of the heart.
Mine neither. I have a wooden heart.
When I see people defacing benches my heart feels like it has been carved up.
Ursula says that another way to think of this is that it's a declaration of love: not vandalism, but love!
You're very generous, Ursula.
Daft, but generous.
Let's look at the lovely cards and presents people get for their sweethearts.Ursula has fancied him since 1678.
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She's hoping he'll invite her out for a soda. Ursula loves ice cream.
Be careful here, Ursula. You know that Dr. Skill likes to do a lot of heart-searching; he doesn't like to rush into things.
In Ursula's case, too long a sacrifice doesn't make a stone of the heart.
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https://www.flickr.com/photos/11834126@N04/7802920728/ |
Mine neither. I have a wooden heart.
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http://www.flickr.com/photos/mtsofan/ |
When I see people defacing benches my heart feels like it has been carved up.
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http://www.flickr.com/photos/aricee/ |
Ursula says that another way to think of this is that it's a declaration of love: not vandalism, but love!
You're very generous, Ursula.
Daft, but generous.
Here are Mikey and The Octopus Girl on their wedding day.
Mikey the Mariner has been breaking a lot of hearts. He always had a mermaid in every port.
Not so now. He got this heartistic bench for his wife when he was in California.
Not so now. He got this heartistic bench for his wife when he was in California.
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www.unknownmami.com |
"I didn't leave my heart in San Francisco," he said."It's here with you."
Then there's Tamsin and Garçon Orange. Last year he took her to London for Valentine's Day.
Here they are sitting with Eros at Piccadilly.
Though he may look menacing, Garçon has a heart of orange gold.
Here they are sitting with Eros at Piccadilly.
http://benchsite.blogspot.co.uk/2013/06/big-bench-small-bench-cute-and-tiny.html |
He put his heart and soul into finding this romantic card for Tamsin.
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https://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/VintageVendor |
Even animals find love this time of year.
Lord Brassica's horse Tonks has recently lost his heart to a little filly in Drizzly.
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http://www.flickr.com/photos/bellybuttongirl/ |
Yes, he bought her this card and learned every word by heart so he could recite it to her at the gymkhana on Friday.
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https://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/PapercutPretties |
Innocent received nothing at all from her husband Root. I happen to know that heartless Root always spends February 14th having a few drinks at Castle Broccoli.
Last year, Innocent's hart was gebroken not to receive anything from Studio Joop in Overbearing in Holland. With all her hart she wanted to hear from Joop.
But this year her heart's been in Rio, where she enjoyed The Games with Vini.
Vini's Valentine text brought back fond memories of Olympic Gold last summer.
But this year her heart's been in Rio, where she enjoyed The Games with Vini.
Vini's Valentine text brought back fond memories of Olympic Gold last summer.
All this love talk is heart-breaking for me.
You can see why I have a black heart about February 14th.
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Mark Carroll Photography at http://www.flickr.com/photos/markstephen/ |
I hope eventually I'll have a change of heart about Valentine's Day.
Benches are close to my heart, of course.
I would love to have received a bench from my imaginary husband Mungo.
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https://www.flickr.com/photos/celinet/2834169483/ |
I would love to have received a bench from my imaginary husband Mungo.
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https://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/Canvaspix |
This is a bench after my own heart.
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http://www.flickr.com/photos/photographyphreakgirl/ |
I'd love to have got this from His Excellency but I knew in a heartbeat he wouldn't buy it. He's heart-rendingly mean with money.
In fact, my heart was in my boots when I realised that His Excellency forgot to get me anything at all, not even a card. I couldn't help but remind him what Lady Jessica got from Lord Brassica:
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https://www.flickr.com/photos/internetarchivebookimages/ |
In fact, my heart was in my boots when I realised that His Excellency forgot to get me anything at all, not even a card. I couldn't help but remind him what Lady Jessica got from Lord Brassica:
A garden bench, a basket of flowers, an unlimited credit card . . .
. . . a week at a fat camp spa.
Also a renewal of her yearly subscription to Young Male Readers dot com
A shopping spree in New York
Her own jewellery shop
A week-end in Paris
And a throne at Drizzly Manor.
My heart was green with envy.
Also a renewal of her yearly subscription to Young Male Readers dot com
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A shopping spree in New York
http://benchsite.blogspot.co.uk/2013/12/just-x-shopping-benches-til-christmas.html |
Her own jewellery shop
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http://benchsite.blogspot.co.uk/2015/02/50-shades-of-grey |
A week-end in Paris
http://benchsite.blogspot.co.uk/2015/02/50-shades-of-grey |
http://benchsite.blogspot.co.uk/2016/02/lord-brassicas-right-royal-thrones.html |
My heart was green with envy.
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https://www.flickr.com/photos/theamarand/2461045327/ |
"My heart bleeds for her," His Excellency said.
He offered to buy me a week at aspa fat camp. This made us somewhat estranged over the February 14th week-end.
He offered to buy me a week at a
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"My heart has turned to stone," I told him.
"I think you'll find it's steel," he said.
Either way, we weren't speaking.
But then he turned up with these exquisite little bench earrings and a heartfelt apology.
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https://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/emmanuelaGR |
So his heart was in the right place all along. More or less.
As for my imaginary husband Mungo, here's what I got from him.
The card said, "Cross my heart, I made it myself."
So eat your heart out, Lady Brassica.
Happy Valentine's Day!
As regular readers of Benchsite will know, I am lucky enough to have two husbands. One is Mungo, my imaginary husband. I lost my heart to him when we met in Las Vegas. It all happened so fast. My real husband is His Excellency and though he kind of messed up Valentine's Day this year, sometimes he is an excellent Valentine. Both men are excellent in their different ways, as shown through their woodworking skills.
Italian-born Moyan Brenn made his very first shot with an HP digital compact camera in 2005. Since then he has travelled all over the world finding gorgeous places and beautiful subjects for his photography. At Reykjavik Airport in April 2014 he photographed the pretty heart and padlock bench for Flickr Creative Commons. https://www.flickr.com/photos/aigle_dore/14317481793/
His images can be used for free for both private and commercial use under license CC-BY-2.0
Fiona is one of the miniature dolls made at Studio Dada in Sofia, Bulgaria. Isn't she stunning? Studio Dada makes miniature dolls and angels, pin buttons, and other tiny pieces of joy https://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/StudioDadaBg
Annie Mole photographed the Unknown Husband bench. She is Head of Social Media for Great British Chefs and she lives in London where she keeps the Annie Mole - London Underground Tube Diary. She is webmaster of Going Underground and its companion blog about travelling on the London Underground london-underground.blogspot.com. Her Flickr photostream is at http://www.flickr.com/photos/anniemole/
Besides being a Valentine girl and an incurable romantic about love and white benches, Ursula is also a peace campaigner. Here she is chanting Peace Bench slogans for International Peace Day last year.
We're Fifty Shades Darker again this year, as we were back in February 2015, because of the release of Those Films. Clearly, grey benches are still the order of the day.
And pink ones too. Marco Antinori is Iron Tuna, from Maserata in Italy. He took the photo of the stunning pink bench in the Viale Ceccarini in Riccione, Italy in 2009. This photo is molto molto bella, as so many Flickr commenters have said. And Marco's albums are full of colour - not only pink, and not only in Italy. https://www.flickr.com/photos/irontuna/4241769413
Speaking of Italy, we have some tasty Italian benches here on Benchsite.
Addison Berry (add1sun) is very well travelled. Her photo sets reveal great adventures throughout Europe, and a few benches. The hearts one was photographed along the Sankt Jørgens Sø in Copenhagen in 2009. http://www.flickr.com/photos/add1sun/
Yay Benches make mosaic concrete benches. http://www.flickr.com/photos/yaybenches/ Cats, dogs, bones, flowers, lizards - they make benches of every kind. They're enthusiastic about the art making process and each bench they make is done with a lot of laughter. They have even had to make a rule about no laughing while moving heavy concrete. And they say "Yay!!" all the time which explains the name.
Janis lives in Vienna http://www.flickr.com/photos/girdafi/ She took the photo of the Styrian heart bench in Bad Gleichenberg, a historic health resort in South East Austria. This is the Green Heart of Austria, which inspired the bench. As far as I can tell with my limited knowledge of German, the bench won a design prize in 2011 www.steiermark.com/b2b/de/betriebe-regionen-service/herzbank
What does Ruben Ras make from lego? Anything. Creatures, vehicles, people, spaceships, pubs, steampunk, modular houses and, more to the point, Salvador Dali's Mae West Lips Bench. Ruben is a primary school teacher who works from the heart at his home in Urk in the Netherlands. He's in Lego Dutchies, Lego Freaks, and other appreciative Flickr Lego groups http://www.flickr.com/photos/workfromtheheart/
The man with a heart head is Working Man, located at The Cube, a 25-storey building in the city centre of Birmingham UK. The Cube houses a mix of offices, shops, restaurants and apartments and inside the building’s central courtyard atrium is an exclusive portfolio of art pieces by contemporary artist, Temper, whose work is dedicated to and influenced by ‘The Lovely People’ of the city he loves. Each of Temper’s pieces immortalises a real person who has inspired others and demonstrates a source of pride for the city. Working Man was photographed by Barry O'Neil in 2012. https://www.flickr.com/photos/tim_ellis/7237391078/
Kevin Lucius is a graphic designer who runs Lucius Art from a tiny apartment in Chicago. He loves working with old textures, animals, and vintage design elements to produce vintage-inspired animal art and city art. She Thought of Love is an original illustration from a vintage art print. https://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/LuciusArt
The Hyde Park Snoggers were photographed by Jan Williams at http://thecaravangallery.co.uk The Caravan Gallery's exhibitions are seriously thought-provoking, distressingly perceptive and beautifully absurd. That's what it says on the website and it's absolutely true.
Maria Stableford is a designer, illustrator, and home crafter. Her designs have been explored through her love of Cambridge, England, especially visits to the Fitzwilliam museum, universities and the Cambridge Botanical gardens. She also loves the boating life on the River Cam, which meanders through the heart of the beautiful city. The Lover's Bench, set in the Botanical Gardens, is an original drawing made into a greeting card. https://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/AngelCakespottednewt
The sculpture Couple on a Bench is from Jalisco in Mexico. This couple have been together a long time - since 200 B.C. - A.D. 500 it seems. They are a burnished red-slipped ceramic sculpture from The Proctor Stafford Collection, purchased with funds provided by Mr. and Mrs. Allan C. Balch (M.86.296.91). This file is in the public domain because it has been released by the Los Angeles County Museum of Art www.lacma.org with its "Public Domain High Resolution Image Available" mark. http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Couple_on_Bench_LACMA_M.86.296.91.jpg?uselang=en-gb
The bright red Kissing Jim Rocker is by Didi Dunphy in her Modern Convenience studio at www.modernconvenience.com Didi likes to bring play and free time into home decor. Her Recess line reintroduces play through sculptural furnishings which bring the free-time concept of Recess indoors. The Kissing Jim Conversational Seat is modelled after the Victorian courting chair, which allows two people to sit face to face comfortably, promoting conversation, meaningful gazing and who knows what else. Kissing Jim is made from powder-coated aluminum or, as we say in Britain, aluminium.
Paul Evans ia an engineer currently living in Plymouth in the UK. He was cycling the lovely Tarka Trail bike path in Devon back in 2006. Along the trail he saw the wooden bench figures reaching out for each other. https://www.flickr.com/photos/98216330@N00/231635754/
Danish artist Erik Henningsen (1855-1930) was a master of Social Realism. In 1927 he painted The Spinsters, long past their own days of young love on a public bench. In other paintings he depicts the difficulties of the poor, wounded, unemployed, and socially isolated. He's one of my favourites among the Nordic Realists.
As regular readers of Benchsite will know, I am lucky enough to have two husbands. One is Mungo, my imaginary husband. I lost my heart to him when we met in Las Vegas. It all happened so fast. My real husband is His Excellency and though he kind of messed up Valentine's Day this year, sometimes he is an excellent Valentine. Both men are excellent in their different ways, as shown through their woodworking skills.
Italian-born Moyan Brenn made his very first shot with an HP digital compact camera in 2005. Since then he has travelled all over the world finding gorgeous places and beautiful subjects for his photography. At Reykjavik Airport in April 2014 he photographed the pretty heart and padlock bench for Flickr Creative Commons. https://www.flickr.com/photos/aigle_dore/14317481793/
His images can be used for free for both private and commercial use under license CC-BY-2.0
Fiona is one of the miniature dolls made at Studio Dada in Sofia, Bulgaria. Isn't she stunning? Studio Dada makes miniature dolls and angels, pin buttons, and other tiny pieces of joy https://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/StudioDadaBg
Annie Mole photographed the Unknown Husband bench. She is Head of Social Media for Great British Chefs and she lives in London where she keeps the Annie Mole - London Underground Tube Diary. She is webmaster of Going Underground and its companion blog about travelling on the London Underground london-underground.blogspot.com. Her Flickr photostream is at http://www.flickr.com/photos/anniemole/
We're Fifty Shades Darker again this year, as we were back in February 2015, because of the release of Those Films. Clearly, grey benches are still the order of the day.
And pink ones too. Marco Antinori is Iron Tuna, from Maserata in Italy. He took the photo of the stunning pink bench in the Viale Ceccarini in Riccione, Italy in 2009. This photo is molto molto bella, as so many Flickr commenters have said. And Marco's albums are full of colour - not only pink, and not only in Italy. https://www.flickr.com/photos/irontuna/4241769413
Speaking of Italy, we have some tasty Italian benches here on Benchsite.
Addison Berry (add1sun) is very well travelled. Her photo sets reveal great adventures throughout Europe, and a few benches. The hearts one was photographed along the Sankt Jørgens Sø in Copenhagen in 2009. http://www.flickr.com/photos/add1sun/
Yay Benches make mosaic concrete benches. http://www.flickr.com/photos/yaybenches/ Cats, dogs, bones, flowers, lizards - they make benches of every kind. They're enthusiastic about the art making process and each bench they make is done with a lot of laughter. They have even had to make a rule about no laughing while moving heavy concrete. And they say "Yay!!" all the time which explains the name.
Janis lives in Vienna http://www.flickr.com/photos/girdafi/ She took the photo of the Styrian heart bench in Bad Gleichenberg, a historic health resort in South East Austria. This is the Green Heart of Austria, which inspired the bench. As far as I can tell with my limited knowledge of German, the bench won a design prize in 2011 www.steiermark.com/b2b/de/betriebe-regionen-service/herzbank
Dmitry Sipety lives in Moscow and works in finance. His photostream contains photos from Istanbul, Spain, New York, Italy, and elsewhere. The black and white ones are brilliant too. Sipety photographed the lovely red bench in front of a house in Brienz, Switzerland in 2010. The house was all decked out with red hearts, which look stunning against the old wood. Seeing this photo really warms the cockles of my heart (as probably no one at all ever says in Ireland).
What does Ruben Ras make from lego? Anything. Creatures, vehicles, people, spaceships, pubs, steampunk, modular houses and, more to the point, Salvador Dali's Mae West Lips Bench. Ruben is a primary school teacher who works from the heart at his home in Urk in the Netherlands. He's in Lego Dutchies, Lego Freaks, and other appreciative Flickr Lego groups http://www.flickr.com/photos/workfromtheheart/
The man with a heart head is Working Man, located at The Cube, a 25-storey building in the city centre of Birmingham UK. The Cube houses a mix of offices, shops, restaurants and apartments and inside the building’s central courtyard atrium is an exclusive portfolio of art pieces by contemporary artist, Temper, whose work is dedicated to and influenced by ‘The Lovely People’ of the city he loves. Each of Temper’s pieces immortalises a real person who has inspired others and demonstrates a source of pride for the city. Working Man was photographed by Barry O'Neil in 2012. https://www.flickr.com/photos/tim_ellis/7237391078/
The Hyde Park Snoggers were photographed by Jan Williams at http://thecaravangallery.co.uk The Caravan Gallery's exhibitions are seriously thought-provoking, distressingly perceptive and beautifully absurd. That's what it says on the website and it's absolutely true.
Maria Stableford is a designer, illustrator, and home crafter. Her designs have been explored through her love of Cambridge, England, especially visits to the Fitzwilliam museum, universities and the Cambridge Botanical gardens. She also loves the boating life on the River Cam, which meanders through the heart of the beautiful city. The Lover's Bench, set in the Botanical Gardens, is an original drawing made into a greeting card. https://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/AngelCakespottednewt
For a fabuous film of love on French benches, accompanied by a song by Georges Brassens, see Les Amoureux des Bancs Publics at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eztSYUFUe8I
The sculpture Couple on a Bench is from Jalisco in Mexico. This couple have been together a long time - since 200 B.C. - A.D. 500 it seems. They are a burnished red-slipped ceramic sculpture from The Proctor Stafford Collection, purchased with funds provided by Mr. and Mrs. Allan C. Balch (M.86.296.91). This file is in the public domain because it has been released by the Los Angeles County Museum of Art www.lacma.org with its "Public Domain High Resolution Image Available" mark. http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Couple_on_Bench_LACMA_M.86.296.91.jpg?uselang=en-gb
The bright red Kissing Jim Rocker is by Didi Dunphy in her Modern Convenience studio at www.modernconvenience.com Didi likes to bring play and free time into home decor. Her Recess line reintroduces play through sculptural furnishings which bring the free-time concept of Recess indoors. The Kissing Jim Conversational Seat is modelled after the Victorian courting chair, which allows two people to sit face to face comfortably, promoting conversation, meaningful gazing and who knows what else. Kissing Jim is made from powder-coated aluminum or, as we say in Britain, aluminium.
Paul Evans ia an engineer currently living in Plymouth in the UK. He was cycling the lovely Tarka Trail bike path in Devon back in 2006. Along the trail he saw the wooden bench figures reaching out for each other. https://www.flickr.com/photos/98216330@N00/231635754/
Danish artist Erik Henningsen (1855-1930) was a master of Social Realism. In 1927 he painted The Spinsters, long past their own days of young love on a public bench. In other paintings he depicts the difficulties of the poor, wounded, unemployed, and socially isolated. He's one of my favourites among the Nordic Realists.
The two little boys were in the craft room at Daven, photographed by Philip Howard at - https://www.flickr.com/photos/22326055@N06/3576434535 This is one of those photostreams full of fascinating photos that tell a life story. Starting in London in 1957, it's a story of a life in care. http://www.theirhistory.co.uk/
KPAJCollectibles in Minneapolis make great custom items like the Apple iPhone Custom Case of the Emo girl with a heart balloon and bench. https://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/KPAJCollectibles The case is a white plastic snap-on; it's durable, strong and stylish. Besides a huge assortment of iPhone cases, they also make dog tags and zippo lighters.
Eugeneloza photographed the red love bench in Kiev, Ukraine in 2008. It is licensed under CC BY 3.0 on Wikimedia at https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Benches_in_Ukraine#/media/File:Love_Bench_-_panoramio.jpg
Richard the Lionheart was born in 1157 in Oxford, the son of King Henry II and Eleanor of Aquitaine. At 16 he commanded his own army and in France he was known as the coeur de lion because of his courage and military leadership. On the death of his father, Richard was King of England from 1189 until his own death in 1199.
Dr. Skill first appeared in the Feelgood Medical Benches in 2013. He certainly makes Ursula feel good. Dr. Skill is from The Pilgrim's Progress by John Bunyan, first published in 1678. Mercy was fallen down in a swoon is also from The Pilgrim's Progress.
The stone mason's bench with beautiful carved roses is from Superior Monument back in 2009. https://www.flickr.com/photos/11834126@N04/7802920728/
The wood bench with the little red heart in the corner is by John, aka MTSOfan. http://www.flickr.com/photos/mtsofan/ John is a pastor who says that photography isn't just a hobby; it's his attempt at sanity, a diversion in a life with much responsibility, and also a way of looking at the world.
RachelEllen is from Michigan. Her photostream contains lovely photos of people, places, animals and plants. And yes, a few benches, including the much-loved wooden bench into which lots of people have carved their declarations of love. Not vandalism - LOVE. http://www.flickr.com/photos/aricee/
Mikey the Mariner has a maritime bench history and is the editor of the ever-popular Sea Benches post. He has a history of mermaid lovers and a girl in every port. This seems to have changed now that he is married to The Octopus Girl, who has eight interchangeable limbs. For the story of their meeting and marriage have a look at the Scottish weddings.
The gorgeous yellow hearts bench is at the corner of Irving and 6th in San Francisco. It was photographed by Claudya Martinez, who describes herself as a Latina mom blogger. She has a very entertaining blog about what she gets up to on Sundays www.unknownmami.com/2013/01/lovers-bench-sundays-in-my-city.html This was one of the first romantic benches to catch my eye and I'm very pleased to have it here. It also featured in last year's blog about how I met Mungo in Las Vegas.
Vintage Vendor in California makes vintage and antique paper goodies, pretty 1920 holiday postcards, Victorian trade cards and other Victorian paper from the late 1800's. They also specialize in vintage collectible buttons, particularly 1940's realistics, moonglows, kiddie buttons and beautiful antique buttons that are over 100 years old. https://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/VintageVendor
2014 was the Year of the Horse so I gave horses a high profile on Benchsite. The horse couple sitting on a bench look happy but it doesn't end well for them; the next photo shows him sitting alone http://www.flickr.com/photos/bellybuttongirl/ Bronwen Hyde, aka bellybuttongirl, is a fine art photographer originally from Australia, currently based in London. http://www.bronwenhyde.com She has had two solo exhibitions in Melbourne, and considerable success in various art competitions. She recently undertook a one month artist residency at Hospitalfield in Arbroath, Scotland, to create images to complete her series interior / exterior, and to find new directions with her self-portraiture and photography in general.
Papercut Pretties in Kelty, Scotland makes personalised papercut greetings cards and wall art for every occasion. The Love Song bench scene kit is a personalised kit with the lyrics or verse of your choice. The printed lyrics are the background to the papercut bench, grass, tree and lamppost. Instructions are given for making this into a highly personal Valentine's, wedding or anniversary gift. https://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/PapercutPretties
The Pixel Prince, from Hollywood, Florida, is the creation of husband and wife duo, Kenny and Rene, started in late 2009. They create one-of-a-kind inspirational, funny, customizable original illustrations for homes and offices. Kenny is a self taught artist with formal training in Computer Science while Rene holds the title of Accountant, Organizer, Fact checker, Craft extraordinaire, Auditor etc…etc. The downloadable printable bench art is one of their many products, which includes moustache art prints, world maps, photo pinback , key chains, art prints, buttons, posters, and yes, digital downloadable printable art https://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/thepixelprince
Root and Innocent were married in a Scottish-themed wedding. Here they are on their not-very-romantic wedding night.
Root has carried on as before, being drunk and disorderly on every bench in Fribble and Drizzly. Innocent, however, has pursued a career in modelling, having been discovered by Joop from Overbearing in Holland. Studio Joop is well known amongst fashionistas for Joop's avant garde designs, such as the Downton Abbey Servant's Dress modelled by Innocent for the Autumn Collection. As for marriage, it has to be said that heartless Root and innocent? Innocent are not a very well matched couple.
Our Rio Olympics benches were a highlight of an otherwise dismal year in 2016. Vini showed us thegirls benches around Rio and the rest of Brazil. There were sports benches galore, but also beach benches, jaguar benches, brightly coloured favelas - we saw it all. Vini and Innocent got on rather well so by the end of The Games, Innocent knew she'd struck Gold.
The black heart bench is from Mark Carroll, who lives in Dallas, Texas. At Mark Carroll Photography he is inspired by architecture and city life and there are loads of beautiful towns and cities in his photo sets. He likes a good nature scene too, so there are also plenty of skies and sea. And happily, there are benches everywhere http://www.flickr.com/photos/markstephen/ For some very dark Black Friday benches see http://benchsite.blogspot.co.uk/2015/11/black-bench-friday-2015.html
Bart is from Deventer in the Netherlands. He makes affordable, top quality canvas prints, including subjects like chillis, waterfalls, pinwheels, sunsets, cows, and the mosaic bench with a heart. https://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/Canvaspix Bart's etsy profile tells me that there are 3,642 members of the very creative Netherlands etsy community. I am lucky enough to keep meeting them when I find brilliant Dutch benches for Benchsite.
PhotographyPhreakGirl photographed the twin heart benches. Her photostream contains lots of lovely photographs of cats, and also the King of Prussia Mall in Pennsylvania. As someone who looks at thousands of images, I can honestly say that nowhere else have I seen photos of the King of Prussia Mall. http://www.flickr.com/photos/photographyphreakgirl/
Lady Jessica Brassica ishappily married to Lord Brassica, Fifth Earl of Drizzly, a gentleman farmer and expert on both cows and picnic benches. Lady Jess has long been a stylish fashion icon but following a new year's eve party there was a debacle about a dress.
The pretty display of antique jewellery on a pink chair is from the window of an antique shop in Freshwater, Isle of Wight. If you're into islands why not see how My Paradise Island compares to the Isle of Wight.
Amarand Agasi loves computers, photography, people, reading and art...not necessarily in that order. The lovely wood bench with the green heart is called I Wood: New lens, new camera, new season of a fresh new year! And although the photo was taken back in 2006, it still reminds the photographer of Spring.
The illustration of the man with crossed arms is not actually my husband. His Excellency is extremely camera-shy and has never knowingly appeared in a picture. This illustration is William Cobbett (1763-1835) an English journalist reformer who campaigned to end poverty and inequality in England. The image is from page 282 of "The life and letters of William Cobbett in England & America, based upon hitherto unpublished family papers" (1913). I saw it on the wonderful Internet Archive Book Images photostream at https://www.flickr.com/photos/internetarchivebookimages/14782967952/
The beautiful angular statue, Couple on Seat, is in Cabot Square at Canary Wharf, London. It's one of many by British sculptor Lynn Chadwick (1914-2003), made in 1984 in the tradition of Henry Moore. Chadwick began his career as an architectural draughtsman but after World War II he took up sculpture. His work is now exhibited at Lypiatt Sculpture Park near Stroud in Gloucestershire. This photograph is by Sludgegulper in 2010 and although I first saw it on Wikicommons, it also appears in his Flickr photostream at http://www.flickr.com/photos/sludgeulper/
KPAJCollectibles in Minneapolis make great custom items like the Apple iPhone Custom Case of the Emo girl with a heart balloon and bench. https://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/KPAJCollectibles The case is a white plastic snap-on; it's durable, strong and stylish. Besides a huge assortment of iPhone cases, they also make dog tags and zippo lighters.
Eugeneloza photographed the red love bench in Kiev, Ukraine in 2008. It is licensed under CC BY 3.0 on Wikimedia at https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Benches_in_Ukraine#/media/File:Love_Bench_-_panoramio.jpg
Richard the Lionheart was born in 1157 in Oxford, the son of King Henry II and Eleanor of Aquitaine. At 16 he commanded his own army and in France he was known as the coeur de lion because of his courage and military leadership. On the death of his father, Richard was King of England from 1189 until his own death in 1199.
Dr. Skill first appeared in the Feelgood Medical Benches in 2013. He certainly makes Ursula feel good. Dr. Skill is from The Pilgrim's Progress by John Bunyan, first published in 1678. Mercy was fallen down in a swoon is also from The Pilgrim's Progress.
The stone mason's bench with beautiful carved roses is from Superior Monument back in 2009. https://www.flickr.com/photos/11834126@N04/7802920728/
The wood bench with the little red heart in the corner is by John, aka MTSOfan. http://www.flickr.com/photos/mtsofan/ John is a pastor who says that photography isn't just a hobby; it's his attempt at sanity, a diversion in a life with much responsibility, and also a way of looking at the world.
RachelEllen is from Michigan. Her photostream contains lovely photos of people, places, animals and plants. And yes, a few benches, including the much-loved wooden bench into which lots of people have carved their declarations of love. Not vandalism - LOVE. http://www.flickr.com/photos/aricee/
Mikey the Mariner has a maritime bench history and is the editor of the ever-popular Sea Benches post. He has a history of mermaid lovers and a girl in every port. This seems to have changed now that he is married to The Octopus Girl, who has eight interchangeable limbs. For the story of their meeting and marriage have a look at the Scottish weddings.
The gorgeous yellow hearts bench is at the corner of Irving and 6th in San Francisco. It was photographed by Claudya Martinez, who describes herself as a Latina mom blogger. She has a very entertaining blog about what she gets up to on Sundays www.unknownmami.com/2013/01/lovers-bench-sundays-in-my-city.html This was one of the first romantic benches to catch my eye and I'm very pleased to have it here. It also featured in last year's blog about how I met Mungo in Las Vegas.
Tamsin and Garçon Orange have been together since that sunny summer when they got engaged. Tamsin was previously engaged to the heartless Root, son of Lord and Lady Brassica, but happily, she saw sense at the very last minute. Tamsin has a baby of rather mysterious origins. It arrived on her wedding day last July and she maintains that the stork brought it. Other Fribble residents aren't so sure: some think it might be a bit Orange while others think it is a future Lord Brassica. Either way, she finally gave him a name after seeing Emily's well-engineered bridge benches.
Vintage Vendor in California makes vintage and antique paper goodies, pretty 1920 holiday postcards, Victorian trade cards and other Victorian paper from the late 1800's. They also specialize in vintage collectible buttons, particularly 1940's realistics, moonglows, kiddie buttons and beautiful antique buttons that are over 100 years old. https://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/VintageVendor
2014 was the Year of the Horse so I gave horses a high profile on Benchsite. The horse couple sitting on a bench look happy but it doesn't end well for them; the next photo shows him sitting alone http://www.flickr.com/photos/bellybuttongirl/ Bronwen Hyde, aka bellybuttongirl, is a fine art photographer originally from Australia, currently based in London. http://www.bronwenhyde.com She has had two solo exhibitions in Melbourne, and considerable success in various art competitions. She recently undertook a one month artist residency at Hospitalfield in Arbroath, Scotland, to create images to complete her series interior / exterior, and to find new directions with her self-portraiture and photography in general.
Papercut Pretties in Kelty, Scotland makes personalised papercut greetings cards and wall art for every occasion. The Love Song bench scene kit is a personalised kit with the lyrics or verse of your choice. The printed lyrics are the background to the papercut bench, grass, tree and lamppost. Instructions are given for making this into a highly personal Valentine's, wedding or anniversary gift. https://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/PapercutPretties
The Pixel Prince, from Hollywood, Florida, is the creation of husband and wife duo, Kenny and Rene, started in late 2009. They create one-of-a-kind inspirational, funny, customizable original illustrations for homes and offices. Kenny is a self taught artist with formal training in Computer Science while Rene holds the title of Accountant, Organizer, Fact checker, Craft extraordinaire, Auditor etc…etc. The downloadable printable bench art is one of their many products, which includes moustache art prints, world maps, photo pinback , key chains, art prints, buttons, posters, and yes, digital downloadable printable art https://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/thepixelprince
Root and Innocent were married in a Scottish-themed wedding. Here they are on their not-very-romantic wedding night.
Root has carried on as before, being drunk and disorderly on every bench in Fribble and Drizzly. Innocent, however, has pursued a career in modelling, having been discovered by Joop from Overbearing in Holland. Studio Joop is well known amongst fashionistas for Joop's avant garde designs, such as the Downton Abbey Servant's Dress modelled by Innocent for the Autumn Collection. As for marriage, it has to be said that heartless Root and innocent? Innocent are not a very well matched couple.
Our Rio Olympics benches were a highlight of an otherwise dismal year in 2016. Vini showed us the
The black heart bench is from Mark Carroll, who lives in Dallas, Texas. At Mark Carroll Photography he is inspired by architecture and city life and there are loads of beautiful towns and cities in his photo sets. He likes a good nature scene too, so there are also plenty of skies and sea. And happily, there are benches everywhere http://www.flickr.com/photos/markstephen/ For some very dark Black Friday benches see http://benchsite.blogspot.co.uk/2015/11/black-bench-friday-2015.html
My Heart bench was photographed at the University of California in Santa Cruz in 2008. The photographer is Celine Nadeau, who is a webdork from Paris suburbia, currently living in San Francisco.
https://www.flickr.com/photos/celinet/2834169483/ Bart is from Deventer in the Netherlands. He makes affordable, top quality canvas prints, including subjects like chillis, waterfalls, pinwheels, sunsets, cows, and the mosaic bench with a heart. https://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/Canvaspix Bart's etsy profile tells me that there are 3,642 members of the very creative Netherlands etsy community. I am lucky enough to keep meeting them when I find brilliant Dutch benches for Benchsite.
PhotographyPhreakGirl photographed the twin heart benches. Her photostream contains lots of lovely photographs of cats, and also the King of Prussia Mall in Pennsylvania. As someone who looks at thousands of images, I can honestly say that nowhere else have I seen photos of the King of Prussia Mall. http://www.flickr.com/photos/photographyphreakgirl/
Lady Jessica Brassica is
The pretty display of antique jewellery on a pink chair is from the window of an antique shop in Freshwater, Isle of Wight. If you're into islands why not see how My Paradise Island compares to the Isle of Wight.
Amarand Agasi loves computers, photography, people, reading and art...not necessarily in that order. The lovely wood bench with the green heart is called I Wood: New lens, new camera, new season of a fresh new year! And although the photo was taken back in 2006, it still reminds the photographer of Spring.
The illustration of the man with crossed arms is not actually my husband. His Excellency is extremely camera-shy and has never knowingly appeared in a picture. This illustration is William Cobbett (1763-1835) an English journalist reformer who campaigned to end poverty and inequality in England. The image is from page 282 of "The life and letters of William Cobbett in England & America, based upon hitherto unpublished family papers" (1913). I saw it on the wonderful Internet Archive Book Images photostream at https://www.flickr.com/photos/internetarchivebookimages/14782967952/
The beautiful angular statue, Couple on Seat, is in Cabot Square at Canary Wharf, London. It's one of many by British sculptor Lynn Chadwick (1914-2003), made in 1984 in the tradition of Henry Moore. Chadwick began his career as an architectural draughtsman but after World War II he took up sculpture. His work is now exhibited at Lypiatt Sculpture Park near Stroud in Gloucestershire. This photograph is by Sludgegulper in 2010 and although I first saw it on Wikicommons, it also appears in his Flickr photostream at http://www.flickr.com/photos/sludgeulper/
The wonderful painting of the Young Man in Black, Girl in White was made in 1919 by Swedish artist Nils Dardel (1888-1943). The girl is Nita Wallenberg, daughter of a wealthy Swedish banking family. Nita met the artist in Japan in 1917 and they became secretly engaged but her father did not care for bohemian artists and put an end to the relationship. This painting sold for £445,250 in 2012.
The pretty bench earrings with a little heart are made by Emmanuela Alevizopoulou in Thessaloniki in Greece. https://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/emmanuelaGR I am partial to Greece, having been there many times, including last year on a bench-finding mission. Her shop, Art in Silver, sells her handmade jewelry, including sterling silver fashion rings, earrings, bracelets, brooches & pins, necklaces, pendants & monogram necklaces. The metals used are silver, bronze and copper. They are decorated with semi precious stones, pearls, corals, leather, feathers, enamel and other natural materials. Whenever the designs and the construction conditions allow it, sterling silver parts are plated with rhodium or 24K gold so they don't tarnish and they are more resistant to shocks and distortions.
The pretty bench earrings with a little heart are made by Emmanuela Alevizopoulou in Thessaloniki in Greece. https://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/emmanuelaGR I am partial to Greece, having been there many times, including last year on a bench-finding mission. Her shop, Art in Silver, sells her handmade jewelry, including sterling silver fashion rings, earrings, bracelets, brooches & pins, necklaces, pendants & monogram necklaces. The metals used are silver, bronze and copper. They are decorated with semi precious stones, pearls, corals, leather, feathers, enamel and other natural materials. Whenever the designs and the construction conditions allow it, sterling silver parts are plated with rhodium or 24K gold so they don't tarnish and they are more resistant to shocks and distortions.
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